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Ders İçeriği


22G1005 Physics I (3-0) 3, 6 AKTS

Vectors and other quantities. One, two and three dimensional kinematics. Applications of Newtonian mechanics, work force and energy, momentum, dynamics of rotating body, balance and elasticity.


22G1006 Mathematics I (3-0) 3, 6 AKTS

Real numbers, variables and functions. Limits, numerical sequences and famous limits. Function, limit and continuity concepts. Derivative and differential, analysis of functions with the help of derivative, higher order derivative and differential. Taylor's formulas, applications of differential calculus to the solutions of physical and geometric problems. Indefinite integrals and integrals of functions. Advanced integration techniques, integrals of rational and irrational functions.


2075G1002 Turkish Language I (2-0) 2, 2 AKTS

The Concept of Language, The Place and Importance of Language in Social Life as a Social Structure, Language-Culture Relationship, Culture-Civilization Relationship, The Place of Turkish Among the World Languages and Its Historical Development, Art-Creativity and Society, Grammar of Turkey Turkish (Syllable Knowledge, Spelling Rules and Practice, Punctuation Marks and Application).


2075G1005 English I (2-0) 2, 2 AKTS

Simple Present Tense, Articles, Numbers, Present Progressive Tense, Possessive Adjectives, can, Singular and Plurals, How Many, How Much, Some, Any, A Little, A Few, Some Prepositions.


2019G0001 Introduction to Algorithm and Programming I (2-2) 2, 6 AKTS

Algorithm concept, flowcharts, pseudocode, flowchart applications, programming and programming language, structured programming concept, basic data types, variable definition, operators and arithmetic operations, control structures, loop structures, one-dimensional array (vector) concept, subprogram (method and function) concept, random value generation, ready-made libraries (math.h, string.h).


2019G0002 Introduction to Computer Engineering (2-0) 2, 4 AKTS

Engineering concept, problem solving techniques in engineering, communication skills in engineering, interdisciplinary interaction in engineering, international unit systems and engineering fundamentals, history of computer, software concepts, hardware concepts, computer architecture, data processing, conversion between bases, Bool algebra, software engineering introduction, introduction to operating systems, introduction to microprocessors, introduction to computer networks, introduction to data concept and data structures, introduction to database management systems.


22G1003 Scientific Research and Ethics (3-0) 3, 4 AKTS

Science and basic concepts (fact, knowledge, absolute, true, false, universal knowledge, etc.), basic information about the history of science, the structure of scientific research, scientific methods and different views on these methods, problem, research model, universe and sample, data collection and data collection methods (quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques), access to scientific information, online databases, reference and bibliography, presentation preparation, effective presentation techniques, scientific ethics and plagiarism.



22B1006 Physics II (3-0) 3, 7 AKTS

Electric charges and electric field, Gauss's law, electric potential, capacitance and dielectrics, current, resistance and emf, direct current circuits, magnetic field, magnetic field sources, electromagnetic induction, alternating current and electromagnetic waves.


22B1005 Mathematics II (3-0) 3, 7 AKTS

Riemann integral, integral, area, length of curve, areas of rotation surface and surface volume, polar coordinates, complex numbers, sequences and series, infinite series, power series, absolute and conditional convergence applications, Taylor series and Maclaurin applications and series.


2075B1002 Turkish Language II (2-0) 2, 2 AKTS

The aim of the course is to teach students the place of Turkish language in world languages; its history, development and structural features. World languages, historical periods of Turkish, phonetic and structural features of Turkish.


2075B1006 English II (2-0) 2, 2 AKTS

Simple Past Tense, Auxiliary Verbs (Be, Do), Must, Have to, Has to, Going to From, Adverbs of Time, Regular and Irregular Verbs, Possessive Pronouns


2019B0003 Fundamentals of Software Engineering (3-0) 3, 4 AKTS

Fundamentals of Software Engineering. Basic concepts. Software Lifecycle Concept. Software Development Process Models. Traditional Models and Connected Approaches. Baroque Model. V Model. Waterfall Model. Incremental Model. Evolutionary Development. Spiral Model. Agile Software. Agile Software Umbrella. Project Concept. What is the project? Project Properties. Agile Project Development. Software Planning and Analysis. Software Analysis. Software Design. Software Implementation. Software Testing and care. Software Verification. Software Validation. Methodology Concept. Risk Quality and Project Management.


2019B0002 Computer Programming (2-2) 3, 5 AKTS

Pointers, file usage and basic information about files, format concept and input output formatting, recursive and recursive subroutine (function, method) examples, function overloading, multidimensional arrays (matrices), preprocessor instructions, library concept and library creation, string problems, search algorithms, sorting algorithms, structs and enumeration, linked list, queue, stack.


2019B0001 Discrete Mathematics (3-0) 3, 3 AKTS

Introduction to mathematical techniques in computer engineering and computer science, series, sum product formulas, mathematical logic, propositions and proofs, combinatorial methods, binomial expansion, pascal triangle, fibonacci numbers, prime numbers, induction, set theory, relations, functions, algebraic structures, matrices , graphs, node painting, trees and mapping, finite state machines.



2075G1001 History of Ataturk's Principles and Revolutions I (2-0) 2, 2 AKTS

The course deals with the events, ideas and principles of the birth and development of modern Turkey.


22G2002 Statistics (3-0) 3, 4 AKTS

The role of probability and statistics in engineering, basic concepts of probability and statistics theories, analytical models of random variables and random events, functions of random variables, regression and correlation..


22G2001 Linear Algebra (3-0) 3, 5 AKTS

Matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, vector spaces, linear transformations, inner product spaces, and orthogonality, determinants, orthogonality, eigenvector eigenvalue problems.


2019G0004 Professional English (2-0) 2, 5 AKTS

English equivalents of computer main parts, English equivalents and definitions of abbreviations used in computer field, English explanations of operating systems, classification and definitions of microprocessors, network structures, cause-effect structures, adjective and noun clauses, conjunctions, passive sentences, causative sentences, tenses used in academic publications, sentence structures, academic terms. Translation of articles, translation of professional book chapters, translation of user manuals.


2019G0004 Data Structures (2-2) 3, 7 AKTS

Fundamentals of algorithm analysis (runtime and memory complexity), data concept and data types, lists, linked lists (unidirectional, bidirectional, circular), queue, stack, binary trees, binary search trees, AVL trees, heap, compression algorithms, sorting algorithms, search algorithms, hash tables, graphs, graph algorithms (knot painting, shortest path problem).


2019G0005 Object based Programming (2-2) 3, 7 AKTS

Class and object concepts, class members: data members and member functions, class variables and state variables, class methods and state methods, access modifiers (private, public, protected), wrapping, class hierarchy, single and multiple inheritance, overriding, polymorphism , abstraction (interface and abstract class), error handling, nested classes.



2075B1001 History of Ataturk's Principles and Revolutions II (2-0) 2, 2 AKTS

The course deals with the events, ideas and principles of the birth and development of modern Turkey.22B2006 Differential Equations (3-0) 3, 4 AKTS

First-order differential equations: Separation into variables, Exact Differential equations, Linear Differential equations, Bernoulli Differential equations, Riccati Differential equations, Special Integral Multiplier and Variable Substitution, Initial value and limit value problems: Families of orthogonal curves, Rate of Change Problems, Linear Differential Equations: Fixed Coefficients Linear Differential Equations, Indeterminate Coefficients Method, Variation of Parameters, Decrementation Series Solutions of Linear Differential Equations: Power Series, Singular Point Near Analytical Point, Frobenius Method; Systems of Linear Differential Equations Laplace Transforms: Definition and Properties, Inverse Transformation and Blend.2019B0004 English Communication Skills (2-0) 2, 3 AKTS

This course aims to enable students to convey their ideas and understand what they read, by teaching grammatical structures, and to enable them to recognize the words used as the basis in academic studies. In this context, various reading texts that will enable students to think critically and form their own ideas will be examined through classroom studies. Lesson is planned to prepare, file and present the projects to be given in relation to the project.


2019B0005 Software Requirements and Analysis (3-2) 3, 5 AKTS

Fundamentals of Software Requirements Engineering. Basic concepts. Software Lifecycle Concept. Software Development Process Models. Traditional Models and Modern Approaches. Agile Software. Agile Software Umbrella. Software Planning and Analysis. Software Analysis. Software Design. Software Implementation. Software Testing and Maintenance. Software Verification. Software Validation. Standard 12207 and related comments. Requirements engineering in the software lifecycle. Requirements inference and modeling: problems and techniques. Documentation and management of requirements. Standards and CASE tools. Cognitive and socio-organizational issues. Realization of Requirements Engineering Activities in different concept projects. Creation of Use cases, User Stories, Constraints, Interfaces and Requirements Analysis Documents. Brain Identification and Validation of Requirements, with Storm and Idea Germination.


22B2002 Numerical Analysis (3-0) 3, 6 AKTS

Taylor Polynomials: Taylor polynomials, error in Taylor polynomials, polynomial calculus. Error and Computer Arithmetic: floating point numbers, definition and sources of error, propagation of error, error in addition, error in loops, error in inner products. Root Finding: Root finding and error analysis with the Bisection method, Root finding and error analysis with the Newton method, Secan method, Solution of Linear and Nonlinear Sets of Equations, Numerical Integral, Numerical Derivative, Difference Table, Interpolation, Curve Fitting and Partial Differential Equations.


2019B0006 Software Economics (2-0) 2, 5 AKTS

Basic concepts of economics, scope of software economics, life cycle of software economics, risk and uncertainties, calculation of interest, software costing methods, costing by number of rows, cocomo models, least squares and other methods, analysis methods, entrepreneurship, firm evaluation, market research


2019B0007 Advanced Programming Techniques (2-0) 2, 5 AKTS

Decision tables, completeness checks and methods of removing uncertainties. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of programming languages with examples. Clear and adaptive expression and control constructs. Broad abstract thinking, modulation, encapsulation, packetized and common routine programming. Database and Web programming. Applications in current programming languages.



2019G0006 Software Design and Architecture (2-2) 3, 3 AKTS

Software Development Processes, Process stages and process models, UML diagrams used in processes, Software Design Patterns, Analysis and applications of Layered Software Architectures.


2019G0007 Operating Systems (2-0) 2, 5 AKTS

Computer architecture, process management, interprocess synchronization, interprocess communication, semaphores and monitors, deadlocks, CPU scheduling algorithms, memory management, virtual memory, file systems, I/O systems, and disk scheduling.


2019G0008 Database Management Systems (2-2) 3, 4 AKTS

Basic database targeting conceptual, logical and physical design, ER model in conceptual design, Relational model and SQL in logical design, indexing in physical design, embodied images, DB management and security, Relational Algebra


2019G0009 Algorithm Analysis (2-0) 2, 3 AKTS

Design concepts of algorithms and complexity analysis of algorithms, solution of recursion equations and formal proof methods, introduction to order and growth rate, divide and conquer approach, dynamic programming and other techniques, NP theory.


2019G0010 Information Systems and Security (3-2) 3, 5 AKTS

What is Cyber Security, What It Aims, Cyber War, Cyber Terrorism, Cyber Espionage Concepts, Personal Data, Corporate Data. What are Security Violations, Types of Hackers, Internal and External Threats, Cyber Attack Analysis, Vulnerabilities. Types of Virus and Malware, Ways of Protection from Virus and Malware, Infiltration Methods, Security of PC, Wireless Network and Online Accounts, Firewall Botnet, Kill Chain and Honeypot Concepts


2019G0011 Network Systems (3-2) 3, 5 AKTS

Fundamentals of communication in computer networks and internet, examination of standards, protocols and processes in communication of computer networks, network equipment, active network devices and network elements, examination of OSI and TCP/IP reference models, examination of layered structures from top to bottom, devices working in layers, devices, protocols, wireless and mobile network systems, security in computer networks. Laboratory applications of theoretical courses in Wireshark, Packet Tracer, GNS3 platforms applications are made.


2019G0012 Microprocessors and Programming (3-2) 3, 5AKTS

Introduction to microprocessors and programming, microprocessors and microcomputers, architectures: RISC, CISC, Neuman, Harvard, etc., performance criteria, microprocessor programming – Assembly, microcomputer programming – C, microcomputer cards and features, program development on microcomputer boards (Arduino, Raspberry, etc.)


2019G0013 Mobile Programming (3-2) 3, 5 AKTS

J2ME, Netbeans, intro JavaSE basics, Java Fundamentals, Java inheritance, interface, exception MIDlets, MIDlet SMS sending, User interface creation, Lists forms Screen, touch screen, Continuous Recording database, http and TCP connection operation, Android applications.


2019G0014 Human Computer Interaction (3-2) 3, 5 AKTS

The nature of Human-Computer Interaction, its features, strategies related to the interaction process, interface design, usability testing, usability and software engineering.




2019B0008 Web Programming (2-2) 3, 5 AKTS

Data types in web programming language, variables, operators, control structures, loop structures, one-dimensional and multidimensional arrays, methods, file operations, object-oriented concepts in web programming language, web-based database applications, web services.

2019B0009 Formal Languages and Automata Theory (3-0) 3, 5 AKTS

Basic mathematics about languages, regular expressions and sets, deterministic and nondeterministic automata, grammar and languages, regular languages, context-free languages, refinement of grammars and normal forms, stacked automata, turing machines, parsing operations, classification of languages, LL(k) languages, and Parsing LR(k) languages, shift-reduce and recursive descent.


2019B0010 Functional Programming (3-0) 3, 5 AKTS

Programming paradigms, functional programming, Python programming language, embedded functions, dynamic programming, recursive programming, functional data structures, algebraic data structures, generators, list generators, lambda, yield, map, filter, reduce, high-level functions, lazy evaluation, monads, data science and data visualization.


2019B0011 Optimization Techniques (3-2) 3, 5 AKTS

One-Dimensional Non-Linear Numerical Optimization, Multi-Dimensional Non-Linear Numerical Optimization, Mathematical Foundations, Analytical Conditions for Optimality, First-order Methods, Second-order Methods, Second-order Approximate Methods.


2019B0012 Computer Graphics (3-2) 3, 5 AKTS

Introduction to computer graphics, point representation, point transformation, transformation of lines, 2D transformations, rotation, mirroring, scaling, combined transformations, translation and homogeneous coordinates, straight drawing algorithms, polygon filling, 3D transformations, 3D scaling, distortion, rotation, mirroring, translation , multiple transforms, Open-GL.


2019B0013 Data Mining (3-2) 3, 5 AKTS

Introduction to data mining, technical definitions of data mining, background of data mining, data mining techniques, operations and algorithms, data preprocessing, statistics in classification methods (naive bayes), decision trees, clustering and similarity criteria, clustering methods (k means, hierarchical clustering), association rules, data mining applications, data mining problems, text mining, web mining, sample applications


2019B0014 Bioinformatics (3-2) 3, 5 AKTS


Introduction to bioinformatics, DNA/protein sequence comparison, Multiple sequence analysis-comparison, Advanced database search and search, Molecular phylogeny and evolution, Bioinformatics methods for RNA, Microarray data analysis, protein structure, Genomic and proteomic applications, Formakogenetic applications.


2019G0015 Graduation Project I (0-2) 2, 7 AKTS

Each student will make a final work on the subjects of the engineering department they have studied and defend the work presented in the form of a report in front of the jury.


2019G0017 Software Engineering Daily Topics (3-2) 3, 6 AKTS

The main aim of the course is to provide programming practice. In order to achieve this aim, it is planned to achieve the goals listed below:

Development of N-tier real world software projects,

Evaluating tradeoffs as well as writing code,

Ability to choose from design alternatives,

Developing your skills on debugging and testing and improving performance


2019G0018 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (3-2) 3, 6 AKTS


Introduction, mind and intelligence, artificial intelligence, machine learning, machine learning, pattern recognition, machine learning, problem solving, artificial neural networks, basic information, trained neural network model, untrained neural network model, fuzzy logic, basic information, fuzzy modeling types: mamdani, sugeno, neural fuzzy networks, expert systems, basic information, expert system design.


2019G0019 Game Design and Programming (3-2) 3, 6 AKTS


General introduction of game development and programming tools, Preparation of programming environment, Drawing of two-dimensional basic geometric shapes, Game Engines, 3D modeling, Basic level design, Basic vectors, Physics objects and their interactions with each other (mass, gravity, force, friction), Constant force , Collision detection methods, Material usage, Basic physics rules, GUI (interface design and programming), Animation creation, Touch screen control, Sensor usage, music playing, Virtual reality.


2019G0020 Digital Image Processing Methods (3-2) 3, 6 AKTS

Introduction to digital image processing, image enhancement techniques, image enhancement in the spatial domain, color image processing, morphological image processing, image segmentation, image compression, feature extraction, motion analysis, pattern recognition.



2019B0015 Graduation Project II (0-2) 1, 7 AKTS

Each student will make a final work on the subjects of the engineering department they have studied and defend the work presented in the form of a report in front of the jury.


2019B0017 Software Quality Assurance and Testing (3-2) 3, 6 AKTS

Examining the review and testing stages in software development processes, tools used in testing applications, test technologies and methods, testing process and management, examining software quality criteria, testing metrics for quality types and calculations, testing of web and mobile applications, security testing tools and applications.


2019B0018 Robotics (3-2) 3, 6 AKTS


Robotic systems, Problems of Robotic Systems, Coordinate Transmission, Coordinate of Links, Forward Kinematics, Reverse Kinematics, Jacobian Manipulators, Manipulator Dynamics, Euler Dynamics Models, Mechanical Design


2019B0019 E-Commerce (3-2) 3, 6 AKTS

Concept of e-commerce, Development of e-commerce, Marketing communication on the Internet, Developing e-commerce between businesses, Internet and e-commerce guide with questions, e-commerce software and hardware, payment types and security, Consumer rights and responsibilities in e-commerce, E-commerce -Contract procedures and provisions in trade.


2019B0020 Machine Learning (3-2) 3, 6 AKTS

Basic concepts and approaches of machine learning. Guided machine learning methods. Concept learning and learning with decision trees. Bayes' theorem-based approaches in machine learning. Evolutionary approach and genetic programming. Learning and reinforcement learning with artificial neural networks, support vectors. Undirected learning methods and classification.